Bridging The Talent Gap
Resources and Reports
Bridgett Strickler, VP, Strategic Partnerships, CAEL, co-authored Chapter 3 of Volume I, in the Federal Reserve publication, “Investing in America’s Workforce.” Using Bridging The Talent Gap data, the chapter asserts that more robust partnerships between higher education institutions, employers and workers are mutually beneficial to all. Findings show that a valuable relationship exists between employers who provide learning benefits and employees who take advantage of these programs. Until now, much of the evidence to support this notion has not been generalizable due to the anecdotal nature of the success stories. Consistently lacking in the research was data including mid-sized and smaller employers, that describe the nature of employer-provided educational benefits, the need for employer-provided benefits, and affirmation of the Return On Investment (ROI) for the employer. Bridging The Talent Gap is a framework to address these shortcomings, and presents new insights. You can read the chapter at