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Guest Blog

Posts by Guest Blog

To PLA, or Not To PLA: That is the Transfer Question

To PLA, or Not To PLA: That is the Transfer Question

Jul 08, 2024 5 min read
Microcertificates: Empowering Students with Rapid Credentials

Microcertificates: Empowering Students with Rapid Credentials

Jul 02, 2024 2 min read
View from a CAEL Ambassador and Member of the CAEL Policy Advisory Group - Susan C. Lane, Ed.D.

View from a CAEL Ambassador and Member of the CAEL Policy Advisory Group - Susan C. Lane, Ed.D.

Jun 21, 2024 2 min read
Opening Training & Learning Pathways for Speakers of Other Languages

Opening Training & Learning Pathways for Speakers of Other Languages

Dec 11, 2023 3 min read
Building Pathways to Student Success: Expanding Community College and Four-Year Institution Partnerships

Building Pathways to Student Success: Expanding Community College and Four-Year Institution Partnerships

Nov 10, 2023 4 min read
Research Shows Retention Gains Through Credit for Prior Learning

Research Shows Retention Gains Through Credit for Prior Learning

Jun 22, 2023 5 min read
Looking to Amplify Your Advocacy for PLA/CPL at Your Institution? Perhaps Findings on Younger Students Can Help Make a Broader Case for Recognizing Prior Learning

Looking to Amplify Your Advocacy for PLA/CPL at Your Institution? Perhaps Findings on Younger Students Can Help Make a Broader Case for Recognizing Prior Learning

Jan 14, 2022 5 min read
We Wanted To Increase Use of PLA/CPL, So We Stopped Charging for It

We Wanted To Increase Use of PLA/CPL, So We Stopped Charging for It

Sep 08, 2021 3 min read