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CAEL Pathways Blog

Build Better Careers Expands to Fourth Service Area

Earlier this month, CAEL began partnering with Employ Prince George's, Inc. (EPG) to expand the Build Better Careers operational network. Through the collaboration, Build Better Careers is helping to power a wave of new offerings EPG announced to support residents in its region, which includes Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Northern Virginia (DMV). 

Build Better Careers is made possible by a $15.7 million grant from Truist Foundation. The initiative is dedicated to helping workers without a college degree access rewarding career pathways in high-growth sectors. 

Build Better Careers leverages a wealth of regional and national partners to help working adults build on their existing competencies to prepare for employment success. It focuses on access to affordable postsecondary education and training, connections to employers offering higher-wage jobs and long-term career opportunities, and helping employers recruit, retain, and advance adult learners. 

Launched in 2022, Build Better will help more than 6,000 adult learners connect with rewarding education-employment pathways over its six-year operational period. The five-region initiative is designed to create upward mobility for individuals from underserved communities by building career paths in professions and industries historically unavailable to them, such as financial services.

In the DMV region, Build Better Careers is supporting EPG’s newly launched Equity & Economic Stability Department. The department was created to connect residents with service providers that can help them achieve economic stability and prosperity via employment opportunities and the integration of workforce development services, upskilling opportunities, and wraparound support.

Build Better Careers partners include workforce training providers, community-based organizations, institutions of higher education, and employers. In addition to the DMV area, Build Better Careers is active in the Memphis, Charlotte, and South Florida regions. 

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