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CAEL Pathways Blog

Intersect With Earl June 2024

Recruiting veterans to the semiconductor workforce: The U.S. semiconductor sector is focused on growing and diversifying its workforce, and that includes veterans, who bring a wealth of experience and expertise and the ability to thrive in accelerated learning environments. Often, they only require some sector-specific technical competencies to enter a rewarding semiconductor career path, and there are growing efforts to include them in workforce development initiatives in support of this critical component of our economy. 

Comebackers have an eye on their careers: For the latest reminder that postsecondary credentials are important to adult learners, but so are labor market outcomes, see the 2024 State of Higher Education report from Lumina Foundation and Gallup. Among the findings: almost all adults who have not completed a college degree regard a credential as “extremely” or “very” valuable. Nearly 60% of those who are not enrolled in a postsecondary program have contemplated continuing their education in the past two years, a share that is 15 percentage points higher than 2021’s results. As for why this population of learners would consider enrolling, almost 85% cited an employment-based reason.

Building better internships: One way to align employment and education is internships. A new report, administered through a partnership between Strada Education Foundation and CAEL institutional member the University of Wisconsin-Madison, reviews their impact and offers resources that help educational institutions, employers, and researchers understand and improve the programs.

Enhancing CPL accessibility and inclusion: The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, in partnership with CAEL, has published findings from a national survey on institutional CPL policies and practices. Noting the many benefits CPL offers students and institutions, the report offers recommendations for meeting challenges associated with implementing and sustaining CPL programs and for expanding CPL offerings. 

Education and reentry: Thank you to our membership and events team, especially Carolyn Swabek, for a great inaugural Membership Appreciation Month. During all of June, we are hosting networking, education, and other opportunities to engage members throughout our community of practice. Our keynote event was especially impactful, featuring a powerful presentation from Matthew Scott. Matthew oversees the development, implementation, organization, administration, and evaluation of programs for 28,000 adult learners. It just so happens that these adult learners reside in the 22 institutions within the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) Southeast Region. Matt made a compelling case for why incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals should be focal points within the adult learning movement. You can view his presentation at cael.org.

Grant opportunity: 
Three "workforce ready" grant opportunities (RFAs) are accepting applications from organizations that "have and maintain a current business registration with the Oregon Secretary of State." Scope details include "outreach, career awareness, and exploration that intentionally prioritizes outreach to individuals from priority populations" and "creating and/or expanding earn-and-learn education and training opportunities with outreach to priority populations." The three sector areas include manufacturing, health care, and technology. $40 million in awards will be dispersed to multiple selectees among the three RFAs. If you’re curious about how CAEL can support an application, or if you want to ideate about a partnership submission, please reach out to Christina Gaetano at cgaetano@cael.org. Applications are due by July 31.

CAEL member mention: CAEL members Peirce College and Penn State University are among the reasons Project RECONNECT is celebrating the completion of its first year. Nearly 100 adult learners have graduated or soon will. The Chester County Economic Development Council administers Project RECONNECT, which is dedicated to helping Comebackers from southeastern Pennsylvania overcome challenges to completing their credential.

Interested in learning more about CAEL memberships? Please visit us, and always feel free to contact us with questions or comments on any topic at cael@cael.org.

Additional Reading


Adult learning, workforce development complementing broad investments in education in East Providence, R.I.

Only 20% of federal postsecondary education funding targets workforce development

$60 million in climate-ready workforce funding for coastal, Great Lakes regions

Stackable credentials contributing to workforce development in San Diego

Maine rolls out online clean energy career navigation platform for workers and learners

Optimism in Ohio: Intel’s sweeping investments in workforce development, education, and training

Short-term Pell proposal faces setback

900-strong construction delegation visit Congress to pitch promotion of careers in skilled trades

Better awareness of career pathways seen as solution to construction labor shortage in Canada, too

Members announced for Texas’ new health care workforce task force

WIOA program trainees only a ‘drop in the bucket’

Strategies for mentoring adult learners in an online environment

Youthful apprentices an antidote to aging Maine workforce

Partnership to develop statewide registered apprenticeship program for Maryland high schools

California invests $470 million in concurrent college, career pathway support for K-12 students

Virginia Natural Gas invests $620,000 in workforce development

State workforce funds helping drone careers take flight in Oregon

Postsecondary Student Success Act would permanently maintain postsecondary student success grants

Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association: registered apprenticeship program gives members ‘control over the most important part of their business’

Tribal apprenticeship program helping Alaska source local teachers, mitigate high turnover


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