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CAEL Pathways Blog

Q&A With CAEL: Dorothy Langley

Perspectives on 50 Years of Impact

As CAEL marks its semicentennial, a big part of the celebrations is around its 5,000-strong membership. It is the daily work of this thriving community of practice that has made so much of the past five decades possible. To highlight some of the diverse individuals who create our collective success, CAEL invited CAEL Ambassadors to answer questions about the past, present, and future of CAEL’s mission and its impact on education-employment pathways.

What is your name, title, and organization?

Dr. Dorothy Langley, dean, adult and continuing education, Jarvis Christian University

In its 50-year history, what would you say is CAEL's biggest accomplishment?

One of the biggest CAEL accomplishments is CAEL's dedication to identifying innovative ways to address the needs of adult learners by supporting pathways for degree completion.

During that history, what would you consider to be the biggest shift in higher education?

One of the biggest shifts in higher education is realizing the role work/life experience plays in the degree completion process for adult learners.

What would you consider to be the biggest shift in workforce development?

The biggest shift is identifying partnerships between academia and workforce for adult learners.

As CAEL begins its next half century, where do you see the greatest opportunity?

The greatest opportunity centers on building relationships between higher education and workforce to promote adult learner success. 

What else would you like to share about your experience with CAEL? Do you have a favorite memory or highlight from your member experience?

The collaboration between CAEL, higher education and workforce has been one of highlights in being a CAEL Ambassador. As an advocate for the adult learner, this is key.


Dr. Langley is the dean of adult and continuing education and project lead, workforce initiatives at Jarvis Christian University. Prior to this role, she served as the director of human resources and career services. She is a retired employee of Aetna, Inc. (2007). Dr. Langley is an advocate for adult learners. Her mission has always included giving back to those who helped her. As a graduate of an HBCU, her goals included returning to be a catalyst for students with lifelong dreams to complete their educational aspirations. In addition to academia, she focuses on workforce initiatives for adult learners. She is married and has one daughter with two beautiful grands. Dr. Langley works as youth chairlady and educational dean in the international youth department in Church of God in Christ on national and state levels. Dr. Langley believes that one of the greatest strengths for adult learners is to be present and supportive!



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