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CAEL Pathways Blog

Q&A With CAEL: Dr. Susan Lane

Perspectives on 50 Years of Impact

As CAEL marks its semicentennial, a big part of the celebrations is around its 5,000-strong membership. It is the daily work of this thriving community of practice that has made so much of the past five decades possible. To highlight some of the diverse individuals who create our collective success, CAEL invited CAEL Ambassadors to answer questions about the past, present, and future of CAEL’s mission and its impact on education-employment pathways.

What is your name, title, and organization?

Susan Lane, higher education consultant on strategic planning and learner success

In its 50-year history, what would you say is CAEL's biggest accomplishment?

CAEL has sought and successfully become a bigger and more public player in supporting the adult learner at a critical time for this work and for higher education. CAEL has always been key in the adult leaner world but "the best kept secret" in other higher education arenas.

During that history, what would you consider to be the biggest shift in higher education?

Currently there is a greater focus on supporting the adult learner to "succeed," but with many agendas, enrollment growth, short term jobs, etc.  CAEL has a particular role and has had success on keeping the agenda laser-focused on the goals of the adult learner and not on others.

What would you consider to be the biggest shift in workforce development?

My fear continues to be that higher education/institutions will focus on low-hanging, short-term successes. Adult learners, as do all learners, need to have the skillsets and confidence for the first job, but more importantly for the next and the one after that. Again CAEL can keep the academy "honest" in our support of the adult learner. 

As CAEL begins its next half century, where do you see the greatest opportunity?

I am thrilled to see and to have been part of supporting CAEL's advancement to a larger stage and more vocal and persistent message for the adult learner. This path should continue to get broader and more influential for CAEL in the next half century. 

What else would you like to share about your experience with CAEL? Do you have a favorite memory or highlight from your member experience?

I was thrilled to help conceptualize and build the Ambassador program. It was my small way of giving back for the support and benefits I have received over the many years from my association with CAEL.


Sue Lane

Susan C. Lane has more than 30 years of experience in Massachusetts higher education and has been active in national, regional and state education organizations, working consistently to improve access to higher education, build quality programs responsive to changing student needs and to support students of all ages, levels and disciplines in achieving their educational goals. She has extensive experience in strategic planning at institutional and policy levels including the establishment of multi-site campus locations. Dr. Lane is currently a CAEL Ambassador. Her work focus on better serving the adult learner. She previously served as senior advisor to the Commissioner for P-16 Access and Alignment in Massachusetts. Prior to her current consulting work, Dr. Lane served as senior director for policy & research at the New England Board of Higher Education. She was president of the New England Institute of Art and served for seven years at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, as associate vice chancellor for professional and continuing education, as an adjunct professor in education, and was interim chair in the education department. Dr. Lane held the positions of associate dean and associate professor of education at Lesley University and senior officer and acting dean of graduate and continuing education at the Massachusetts College of Art. Dr. Lane also has served as deputy for higher education in the Massachusetts Governor's Office for Education Affairs and was staff associate for academic affairs for the Massachusetts Board of Regents for Higher Education. Dr. Lane earned her Ed.D. in administration, planning and social policy from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, an M.B.A. from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, an M.Ed. degree from Boston University's School of Education, and a B.A. in government and international relations from Clark University.

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