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State System PLA Adoption: Lessons from a Three-System Initiative

State System PLA Adoption: Lessons from a Three-System Initiative

Jan 01, 2015
State Policy Approaches to Support Prior Learning Assessment

State Policy Approaches to Support Prior Learning Assessment

Jan 01, 2015
Assessment’s New Role in Degree Completion: a Registrar’s Primer on Prior Learning Assessment and Competency-Based Education

Assessment’s New Role in Degree Completion: a Registrar’s Primer on Prior Learning Assessment and Competency-Based Education

Jan 01, 2014
Tapping Mature Talent: Policies for a 21st Century Workforce

Tapping Mature Talent: Policies for a 21st Century Workforce

Jan 01, 2013
Older Workers, Rising Skill Requirements, and the Need for a Re-envisioning of the Public Workforce System

Older Workers, Rising Skill Requirements, and the Need for a Re-envisioning of the Public Workforce System

Jan 01, 2012
Workplace Action Steps for Leveraging Mature Talent: Findings from the Talent Management Study

Workplace Action Steps for Leveraging Mature Talent: Findings from the Talent Management Study

Jan 01, 2012
Occupational Profiles for the Mature Worker: Finding and Using Detailed Information About Occupations with the Largest Share of Mature Workers

Occupational Profiles for the Mature Worker: Finding and Using Detailed Information About Occupations with the Largest Share of Mature Workers

Jan 01, 2012
State Strategies to Support the Maturing Workforce

State Strategies to Support the Maturing Workforce

Oct 01, 2011
Maturity in the Workplace: Stories of Workers Aged 55+ on their Journeys to New Work and Careers

Maturity in the Workplace: Stories of Workers Aged 55+ on their Journeys to New Work and Careers

Oct 01, 2011