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CAEL Webinars

Webinar: Advancing Adult Learners to Completion: The Power of Credit for Prior Learning in HBCUs

Upcoming: May 1st at 1 PM ET

Please join CAEL and the Lumina Foundation as we host a national CPL webinar to engage HBCUs around the topic of Credit for Prior Learning. Learn from four HBCUs from around the country on how their institutions have utilized credit for prior learning and its impact on their student population. You don't want to miss this event!

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is a proven strategy for reducing time and money- two of the most significant barriers to completion, especially for adult learners. Yet, many students who could benefit most from this strategy- such as African-Americans, First-Generation Students, and Pell-Grant Recipients- can not access it due to underutilization in HBCUs. Join us for an interactive session on the importance and use of Credit for Prior Learning in strengthening adult learner enrollment and completion in 2 and 4-year Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This workshop will highlight the benefits of credit for prior learning for institutions and students and showcase powerful examples of CPL implementation in HBCU universities and community colleges. Participants will learn about strategic considerations and practical approaches for implementing CPL in different institutional contexts. Additionally, participants will receive resources and guidance on implementing a CPL program at their own institutions.   

Dr. Farrah WardDr. Farrah Ward, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Elizabeth City State University

A graduate of North Carolina A&T, Dr. Ward completed her Master’s and Ph.D. in Mathematics at North Carolina State University. Prior to being named interim provost at ECSU, Dr. Ward served as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Dr. Kolaki RaviDr. Kokila Ravi, Director of Online and Specialized Programs, Atlanta Metropolitan State College

Kokila Ravi is a professor of English and is the Director of Online Learning and Specialized Programs at Atlanta Metropolitan State College. She also serves as the Coordinator for Adult Learners.  A certified Quality Matters facilitator, she has conducted several Applying the Quality Matters Rubric training workshops for AMSC faculty in online course design and instruction. 


Dr. Cierra Griffin (1)Dr. Cierra Griffin, Executive Director for Adult Learners, Transfer, and Military Students, Fayetteville State University
Dr. Cierra Griffin is the Executive Director for Fayetteville State University’s (UNCFSU) Office for Adult Learners, Transfer, and Military Students, where she plays a key role in strategic enrollment and student success.  She has managed a $175,000 adult learner grant that enhanced campus resources, and she is currently managing a $1 million dollar grant that focuses on improving graduation rates.  
Dr. Rolanda HarrisDr. Rolanda Harris, Director of Adult and Continuing Education, Delaware State University
Dr. Rolanda Harris is a distinguished professional in higher education and currently holds the Director of Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) position at Delaware State University. 
Mwase headshot-1-2-1-1Gloria Mwase, Ph.D, Senior VP of Research, Impact, Innovation, and Learning, CAEL
Gloria Mwase has extensive experience in leading projects focused on postsecondary education and workforce development that advance adult learners into meaningful employment. Additionally, Mwase has worked with employers in developing sector-based industry-partnerships to advance a competitive workforce. 
Myrick_Alicia_RGB_612-1Alicia Myrick, EdD, Director of Initiatives, CAEL
Dr. Alicia Myrick is a learning and development professional with significant experience in project management, investigation, and case management of student conduct issues. As Director of Initiatives, she engages in project work that positively benefits the lives of adult learners. 
Jasmine HaywoodJasmine Haywood, Strategy Director, Lumina Foundation

Jasmine Haywood, Ph.D., is a strategy director for student success at Lumina Foundation, an independent, private foundation in Indianapolis that is committed to making opportunities for learning beyond high school available to all. In that role, she leads a portfolio of work that supports the creation of a system in which student success and credential attainment are scaled up significantly, particularly at four-year institutions.



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