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CAEL Webinars

April 10th: Preparing for the Future: Workforce Transformation in the Age of Generative AI

Upcoming: April 10th at 2 PM ET

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and machine learning are reshaping the world of work. It is widely predicted that over the next five years, new career paths will emerge, many existing paths will be reshaped, and some will end because of GAI adoption and continued innovation. A March 2023 Goldman-Sachs study estimated that fully 25% of all workplace tasks in the U.S. could be accomplished by automated GAI systems if all employers adopted such systems. That means that as you read this description, 25% of all work accomplished in the U.S. could be done via a GAI system. Right now. 

The economic consequences are staggering. Most, if not all industries will be impacted. Yet, while automation and technological innovation have eliminated jobs and career paths throughout our history, they have also generated many more in their wake. The upskilling imperative, therefore, should be very clear.

How are employers responding, and how should they respond, to this exciting and disruptive technology? How can employers best interact with educators as they work together to build a workforce that is fully equipped to thrive in a workplace increasingly shaped by GAI?



Bill McKinney, Senior Director, Higher Education Initiatives, CAEL 

A nationally recognized teacher, scholar, and academic leader, McKinney has extensive experience in strategic enrollment management, student success, community and civic engagement, strategic planning, curriculum development and assessment, alumni relations, and fundraising. In all of his leadership positions, he has prioritized the public purpose of higher education by building strong relationships between educators, elected officials, business leaders, and employers. 

krystal (1)Krystal Rawls, Director Workforce Integration Network, California State University, Dominguez Hills

Dr. Krystal Rawls is an educator and strategist leveraging tech vendor partnerships to bridge the digital divide. As the Director of the Workforce Integration Network at California State University, Dominguez Hills, Dr. Rawls architects initiatives that provide technology access and digital literacy to underserved communities.
tracey careyTracey Carey, Executive Director, Midwest Urban Strategies 
 Tracey Carey leads Midwest Urban Strategies (MUS), a consortium of 13 of the largest urban workforce boards in the Midwest. With more than $20 million in federal and philanthropic investment and a growing portfolio of business and service partners, MUS delivers high value resource to its members. The consortium’s mission is to grow business investment and expand and diversify talent in the Midwest. 
Lucas LevineLucas Levine, Chief Commercial Officer, FutureFit AI
Lucas Levine has spent the last decade focused on developing human capital through public and private sector collaboration. In his current role as Head of Customer Success at FutureFit AI, Lucas helps workforce organizations implement technology solutions to better serve their job seekers, employers, and community partners. FutureFit AI's partners include state and local government, nonprofits, and enterprises, which all share a common goal of helping individuals navigate career pathways using AI-powered recommendations for careers, learning, and wraparound resources. 


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